Meet Suzanne

With over 10 years of service and leadership on the board of the Canadian Authors Association, plus the daily struggle to juggle work life and family, Suzanne gets it. Writers need room to think, and it's hard to find any wide-open space these days. We need the freedom to write--or not write--without the yappy little terrier of our overwhelmed lives nipping at our heels. We crave a place where we can let go of all the confusing mental clutter, and just be still. Just be.

How else will we hear the sweet, inviting whispers of our Muses?

"I would absolutely recommend Suzanne's retreats. Her sheer enthusiasm for Greece is contagious! She gets people to look at things through her excited eye." Lesley, 2011

Suzanne has a working knowledge of the Greek language and immutable curiosity. Her secret pleasures include the sweet taste of figs plucked right from the tree, the sound of rain, the smell of a new book, the sound of donkeys braying in the distance, the cool softness of a smooth stone, and the salt-taste that lingers on skin after swimming in the sea.

When not traipsing around Greece, Suzanne is a writer, editor andwriting coach living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

She has a deep affection for Greece, especially the southern area known as the Peloponnese. Once upon a time she travelled there, and although 20 years would pass before she returned, it never left her veins. 


If you want to know more about how she got to this place, you can read the long story here.

"This was a very special time for me. A great and memorable experience." Janet, 2011 

 Professional bio